Thursday, 31 March 2016



There were at times when my behaviour affected my peers around me negatively - although not drastically. This was clear in earlier periods of the course. However these were only small things like talking a lot, which encouraged others to talk more around me - otherwise I believe the impact of my behaviour wasn't a thing to frown upon. During the course, I learned how to balance my behaviour in terms of getting things done efficiently whilst doing my own things like talking to my peers around me. Personally I believe that I tried to maintain a high spirit during the entire course, which helped my peers around me to stay motivated and enjoy the experience more. Also, because of my behaviour, I believe I made several attempts during the early stages of the course to introduce myself and others to the group, expanding the friendships within the group - making new friends. On the second night of the shoot, I had been described as being slightly too 'giddy' however it was this behaviour that drew the attention of the actors/actresses we had hired and from their I had created a rapport with them to make them feel more comfortable on set - I am currently still in contact with one of the actresses and talk to them from time to time.


I believe communication is the strongest factor in terms of an effective working relationship - for instance, with a director and a cinematographer, the director needs to be able to communicate with their DoP so they can communicate in what visual approach they want to achieve, with good communication, they could even work out an idea together to create something better. You may not even like the person you work with, but to have the ability to get your ideas across or vice versa, it means both parties understand what you are trying to achieve.
The second factor, in the title itself, is relationships. Creating a good relationship with your workers can help promote not only their level of creativity and work, but their spirit, which has many beneficial factors in the workplace. To have a workplace filled with people who don't get along can be challenging as they might find it hard to put their differences aside, and this can affect their work standards.
Finally, I believe cooperation to be one of the main key factors to an effective working relationship. This ties in with the aforementioned factors - to have the ability to cooperate with other workers helps move production along rather than to challenge others opinions and waste time. This also links in with compromise, to meet halfway to achieve something that both parties agree with - again this helps to get things done rather than to slow it down, and sometimes, this can even lead to a better outcome.


Their were many instances during the planning and practical period to the course where we had to discuss and compromise with each others ideas - believe during these periods, I managed to do these things. Throughout the course, I believe I have displayed a high energy which reflected on to others, I believe that this personal attribution helped, although not solely, encourage others to get to know each other, become friends and get involved more. During the planning phase, I contributed many times with my ideas, which lead to others doing the same thing, I believe my actions of starting things off helped others to follow on and start collaborating ideas for the film/production. I believe my high energy also came into play during the practical side when my enthusiasm helped 'break the ice' for the others to get involved and work as a team - there were times when I collaborated with others during the practical side to help get things done and achieve a goal.

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